Hospitality & Environment

If you are interested in one or more of these opportunities to serve your parish community, please contact Adam Ybarra, Director of Mission at 402.861.4507 or; or the contact listed.

Sunday Coffee & Donuts

Assist in preparing, serving, and cleaning up coffee, juice, and donuts after each Sunday morning Mass in the Dining Room. Click here to sign up here.

New Parishioner Welcome

Call new parishioners and welcome them to our parish, and follow up with a handwritten mailed note.

Decorations / Environment

Help design and/or change seasonal settings in the church. Assist in caring for flowers and plants, especially at Christmas and Easter. Contact Sam Jizba at 402-861-4512 or

Grounds, Upkeep & Garden Club

Assist with Parish property beautification. Contact: Joe Reding, Director of Operations at 402-861-4543 or

Votive Candle Replenishment

Help provide the “light” for others’ intentions. Replace the votive candles in the Daily Mass Chapel on a regular basis. Contact: Melissa LaPesh at (402) 598-8879 or


Wash and iron linens. Repair altar linens, albs, and stoles as needed. Contact: Sue Klopp 402-203-4940 or Sam Jizba at 402-861-4512 or

Childcare Volunteer

Assist in caring for children ages 1-4 during adult formation classes and select parish events. Must be Safe Environment trained.